Petinar kindergarten School was established in 2017 by Former Save the Children USA staff to provide pre – primary education and daycare to most vulnerable children, especially children with Learning disabilities and children of young mothers returning to school and those working to find a safe place to leave their children. To date Petinar Kindergarten school has a preschool and a lower primary department. All the caregivers and teachers undergo periodical training and are continuously educated about new revelations in child psychology. Since 2017 it has reached out 1,760 preschool children 5% children with learning disabilities. Since its establishment Petinar Kindergarten School has worked with a workforce of over 112 highly professional caregivers / teachers who have been trained and worked closely with 796 parents.Petinar Kindergarten school has taken the onus to Educate 896 parents about positive parenting through a series of seminars, home visits, thus creating a healthier society of enlightened parents and bright kids.
To promote the development of social skills, intelligence, language and creativity domain of the most vulnerable children to achieve higher outcomes in education, employment and health later in life.
Petinar Kindergarten school enhances the life of vulnerable children holistic development through education, talent, life skills development, guidance and parental care
MOES/ECD/N/M/109/341- Registration certificate for early Childhood Development Centres – Wakiso District Local Government – Ministry of Education and sports.
Students Since 2017
Caregivers | Teachers
To develop in a child, good physique, adequate muscular coordination and basic motor skills.
To develop in a child, good health habits and basic skills necessary for adjustment.
To develop social attitudes and manners that encourage healthy group participation. This way their emotional maturity is also attained through which they can freely express themselves.
To stimulate intellectual curiosity so as to help him understand the world around him.
Provide pre-primary school teachers with training to improve their capacity to deliver ECD
Increase access to quality ECD education for 100 per year vulnerable children 3-5 years old and countless children through our caregivers, parents and teacher trainings
Renovate community ECD centres by building or improving classrooms, sanitation facilities and play areas
Provide appropriate learning materials and play equipment for pre-primary school children
Advocate for the importance of ECD within communities and at a district level
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