‘Play is the answer to how anything new comes about!’ moderate Play zone is a place where the children enjoy the freedom to imagine, learn and explore the world at their own pace.
Our colourful play zone has been designed keeping in mind all the safety measures. Special emphasis has been laid on the play courses which allow the toddlers to run, jump, hide and enjoy the outdoors. The swings, slides, see-saw and other fun toys also enhance the gross and fine motor skills of the little ones.
Healthy and nutritious Meals are very essential for perfect growth. A wide variety of meals are prepared at our in-house kitchen which are tasted by the caregivers /teachers first and then served to the little ones. Our special menu also ensures a perfect nutritional balance along with scrumptious meals that the children simply relish.
One of the most niche facility at Petinar Kindergarten school is the Intellectual Development Room Here, each and every aspect of a child's personality is honed - like basic intelligence. motor skills, logical thinking, problem solving, observation power and so on. Thrice in a week, the children are taken to the ID centre for a session with the caregiver / teacher who helps them solve puzzles, build blocks, learn from flashcar.
Today’s kids are digital natives and therefore an audio-visual medium of teaching certainly benefits their retention power and engagement. The projector room is like a mini theatre where the children watch films & cartoons and enjoy learning new concepts. It is a great teaching tool as the child’s attention is caught instantly through visuals on a big screen.
Black Van offer doorstep pick and drop facility. The drivers are police verified and Van has a helper staff to take care of the children and their requirements.
Parents are informed when their child boards the Van so that they can stay anxiety free. The vehicle is cleaned regularly to ensure hygiene and safety of the children
They say, ‘The more you learn, the more places you go!’, but, at Petinar Kindergarten school we believe in doing the latter first. As a part of ‘Let’s go out & explore’ theme, we take the learning outside
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