Guidance and counseling - This is because of the trauma they go through during and after the
pregnancy. Some teenagers get complications during the pregnancy and the time of delivery.
Many went under C-section since their bones were not strong enough to push the baby. Too
many were forced to abort the babies by their parents to avoid shame.
From Petinar kindergarten school experience- In Uganda Poverty, malnutrition, complications of pregnancy, and
emotional problems such as depression, drug, and alcohol use, are all risks for the mother.
Children are also at greater risk of physical, cognitive, and emotional problems.
In Uganda, the teenage pregnancy percentage stands at 25% which is worrying as its 28% in
the Sub-Saharan countries of Africa. Teenage pregnancy was fueled by the outbreak of COVID-
19 in Uganda and the closure of schools by the President of Uganda. So many girls were
victims of the pandemic as they have been left vulnerable to teenage pregnancy, early
childhood marriage, and gender-based violence. Many girls have been left without a partner
and find themselves having to be the breadwinners of their families. Many girls have got
involved in transactional sex with men who take advantage of their need for money to get
necessities like sanitary towels.
A young mother is a teenage girl who gets pregnant around the ages of 13-19. Is a girl who has not reached legal adulthood and in this case for Uganda its 18 years of age.
Space, Petinar Kindergarten school needs to put up more 10 classes as
you see our plan and foundation.
Listen to songs in different languages, play a board game. Listen to music. Read a book, role
play, culture ware, organize culture festivals, prepare local dishes, teach them to greet and say
though in multiple languages and tour Uganda museum.
Positive caregiving: show positive attitudes, have positive physical contact, respond to child
vocalizations, ask questions, praise, encourage, teach and read to the children.
Talk often with your children from the day they are born. Hug them, hold them, and respond to their needs and
interests. Listen carefully as your child communicate with you. Read aloud to your child every
day, even when they are babies.
To protect your child from harm, provide
your child with food, clothing and a place to live, safety, supervision and control, medical care
and education.
A good young mother should understand how children grow and develop and they should
respond promptly to a child's emotional needs. They should provide stimulating
environments at home so that kids learn well and develop in a healthy atmosphere.
Respond to children in a predictable way, show warmth and sensitivity, have routines and
household rules, support health and safety and use appropriate discipline without harshness.
Validate their feelings and listen actively to understand what is upsetting them. Your attention is your most powerful tool, so it helps to give your child lots of positive attention as soon as they do something to calm down: “I like that you took a deep breath!
The most common types of learning disabilities involve problems with reading, writing, math,
reasoning, listening, and speaking. While every kid has trouble with homework from time to
time, if a certain area of learning is consistently problematic, it might indicate a learning disorder
In ECD, look for: Communication delays, such as slow language development or difficulty
with speech. Problems understanding what is being said or problems communicating thoughts.
Poor coordination and uneven motor development, such as delays in learning to sit, walk, color,
and using scissors
This development, while slower, still equates to the same relative level of intelligence. On the
other hand, a child with a learning disability usually maintains a fairly average or above-average
level of intelligence.
A learning disability constitutes a condition which affects learning and intelligence
across all areas of life. a learning difficulty constitutes a condition which creates an obstacle to a
specific form of learning, but does not affect the overall IQ of an individual.
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